I'm trying to use it on my phone, but when I connect it, it's recognised as a keyboard and my phone's keyboard stops working.
The keyboard function is disabled because the OTP function of the security key is recognised as a keyboard. This is not a problem with your key or a technical glitch. So if you enter your information using the keyboard first, and then equip the security key when prompted, you should be able to use it normally.
What if my security key is lost or stolen?
The simplest way is to log in to your account using alternative authentication methods including OTP (One Time Passcode) over SMS, call, or email but these alternative methods have some issues on security concern.
Therefore, we strongly recommend using a backup security key (or keys) for your security.
Can I use TrustKey’s security key to replace other brand security keys?
You can use TrustKey’s security key for all applications to support FIDO2 or U2F authentication instead of other brand keys.
Can I use a TrustKey’s security key to login to other computers?
Yes, Indeed. Since your login credentials are stored inside your key TrustKey’s Security Key can be used for multiple computers.
What is the difference between TrustKey’s FIDO2 Level 2 security certified keys (G-series) and other Level-1 keys?
The Level-2 security certified key should satisfy the stringent security requirements including thorough evaluation for physical security and restricted operating environment.
Currently, TrustKey's G-Series Security Keys are the world's first and only authentication devices with FIDO2 Level 2 security certification. For more information, please check with the FIDO Alliance (www.fidoalliance.org).
Can I use a TrustKey Security Key on my Mac?
Yes, TrustKey’s security key works with MacOS, Windows, Linux, Chromebook OS, and Android.
What web browsers are supported?
TrustKey’s Security keys works with many major web browsers including Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari, Brave, and Whale.
Should I treat the sensor like a button with a hard push?
No, a T-series key is equipped with a capacitive sensor, so light touch will do the job!
Can I use TrustKey Security Key to login to Windows Hello on Mac?
If Windows OS is installed on your Mac then TrustKey H-Series Security Keys can be used to login to your Mac. (Windows 10 V1903 or higher)
Can I use the TrustKey’s security key for Windows Hello?
Yes, H-Series Security Keys are capable of Windows Hello login as well as other FIDO authentication.
Downloading the BioManager, a prerequisite for G-series to registering the fingerprints?
No, fingerprint can be registered for G-series at "Setting - login option - security key" on Windows 10 v1902 and up.
Isn't fingerprint data stored on the computer during fingerprint registration?
Trust key G-series and H-series that use biometric information (fingerprints) store scanned and encrypted fingerprint data in a special secure storage of the MCU.
Please rest assured that stored fingerprint data will never be leaked out of the security key even during the registration or authentication process!
How many fingerprints can be registered?
A total of 3 fingerprints can be registered.
I am curious about how to register a fingerprint on the G series security key
There are two ways.
1. Use Windows Login Options Settings-Login Options-Security Key-Manage fingerprints. However, this method is available for Windows 10 v1903 or higher and is available for Home and Professional versions.
2. Using BioManager Download and register the BioManager application from "Product Data" on the Trust Key website!